Westchester County Property Tax Grievance Deadline: 06/18/2024

Westchester County Property Tax Grievance

Are your Westchester County property taxes too high? Aventine Properties has been helping Westchester County homeowners save money on their property taxes for more than 20 years. Aventine Properties is a NY-based property tax grievance firm that specializes in reducing residential and commercial property assessments. We know New York State homeowners pay some of the highest property taxes in the whole country, as a result of many properties being over assessed or unfairly assessed! Aventine Properties can represent you during your next Westchester County tax grievance case!

Are You Over Paying in Westchester Property Taxes?

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Benefits to Filing A Westchester County Tax Grievance


Permanent Tax Savings

Ongoing property tax reduction benefit year after year until a town wide reassessment happens.


No Upfront Fees

You only pay if we obtain a reduction on your assessment. File with us with no payment required!


No Downside or Risk

Your property assessment can only be reduced. Your tax bill will not increase as a result of a tax grievance.


Value Increase

Get a higher return when you sell if your taxes are less. Lower taxes are preferred by home buyers and mortgage lenders.


No Court Dates

We will make any court appearances on your behalf for the duration of your tax grievance case


No Property Visits

No one should visit, but if they do, you should always politely decline them entry and direct them to us.

What is the Westchester County Tax Grievance Process:

Let's break down the process of a Westchester County property tax grievance to help you and every other New York State homeowner understand what happens behind the scenes and the paperwork of a property tax grievance case.

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Westchester County Tax Grievance FAQs

Everything you need to know about the process and how it works. Can't find an answer to your question? Chat with us!

This is when you challenge the assessment given to your property ie. $500,000. If we can prove your home is worth less, we can reduce the assessment to match the lower price. We do this by comparing your home with similiar homes recently sold in your area.

All we need from you is a signature that allows us to be your representative during the process. After that is completed and confirmed, we will handle the court apperances, paperwork, and research.

If you use a tax grievance firm, like Aventine, it will cost nothing upfront. If we are successsful in reducing your assessment we charge a one-time fee of 50% of the first year's savings. There are two additional fees, $30 court filing fee and a $75 appraisal fee.

First and foremost is by challenging your assessment by filing a tax grievance. Second, is by applying to exemptions ie. Veterans, Senior and STAR. Lastly is by attening town budget meetings and seeing what your property tax dollars are funding.

Typically the first stage at the Board of Assessment Review (BAR) will take around 3 months. However cases are usually denied and appeal at Small Claims Assessment Review (SCAR) is necessary, making this a year long process.

Westchester county works with previous years assessments, meaning they use 2022 assessments for your 2023 tax bills. So if you file in 2023 you won't see an assessment change until 24/25 tax year. Westchester has always been on time with their adjustments and we have yet to see any refunds from this county.

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